TERRA GOLLUT film festival, the evolution of Gollut Festival

The new brand renews spirit and mission, and assembles its continuity.

FestivalGolllut evoluciona TERRA GOLLUT

Letter from Joaquim Roqué, Gollut's Festival director


As director and intellectual promoter of the Gollut Festival in the six editions made so far I want to inform you that I have decided to carry out a new project: the contest called TERRA GOLLUT film festival that will be the continuation and the natural evolution of the contest that I have organized until the moment with the implication and commitment that you all know.

The main reasons for taking this new step is to ensure continuity in ten years and, above all, to renew the spirit and mission.

I am very pleased to present the brand of this new project:


It is more modern, more synthetic. It incorporates the concept of mountain, Pyrenees and valley within its logo. The G de Gollut, the one that has goiter in Catalan, which encompasses all our identity.

"We are from the mountains, we are from inland. A village festival which extends to other villages. And to another places where culture does not usually reach. We open our eyes up to the world from the Pyrenees."

The evolution is not only graphic and brand-changing, but everything done so far is re-thought, the TERRA GOLLUT film festival will be a contest more focused on committed cinema and social transformation as one of the main objectives with the will to reach audiences who do not have access to culture on a regular basis or in the cinema of this field.

All the venues that until now have been spaces of the Gollut Festival are also offered to be their new TERRA GOLLUT film festival, each of them, freely, will choose and participate in the way they want to get involved from now on in the new contest.

Both Els Amics de la Vall de Ribes and the City Council of Ribes de Freser have been offered to have a special role in the new event.

I take this opportunity to anticipate that in a few days the call for participation of works of the TIERRA bocio film festival will be launched. The festival in the competition sections has its dates from October 9 to November 1, 2020.


Joaquim Roqué Paret

TERRA GOLLUT film festival Director


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